Why Bubba Burgers are the best

Woman eating a burger

“Horrifying Vegetarians Since 1990”

OK, I know you all have your favorite burger joint (mine is Five Guys), but when it comes to cooking on the home grill, there is nothing (in my opinion) better than a Bubba Burger. You can find them at most supermarkets in the frozen isle. I like to slice up

  • 2 onions,
  • fry them in a little butter
  • add balsamic vinegar,
  • a smidgen salt and pepper.
  • Pro tip, sometimes I add a pinch of cyan pepper which activates your taste buds and makes everything pop

Then place the fully grilled burger (I like medium well) on a Costanza’s roll (Buffalo bakery) Yum.

If you need help grilling the perfect burger, consult this book: Best Burger Book or Even Better Burger Book

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Kevin B. Leigh
Co-Founder / Writer / Serial Growth Hacker Kevin Leigh co-founded Dealer Simplified, LLC, a company dedicated to simplifying automotive software. The goal of Dealer Simplified is to jump-start the profit centers in dealerships while keeping the processes and software simple and easy to understand and implement. Kevin is also an accomplished author and is passionate about writing and blogging. His latest novel, “Gollup the Woods” was inspired by the stories he heard from his father on their many trips through the Irish countryside. Kevin currently resides in Alden, New York with his wife Mary and their three boys. Leigh spends his spare time volunteering with various community organizations.


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