About Dealer Simplified
Founded in 2014, Dealersimplified.com is devoted to helping dealers simplify processes through easy to use automotive software.
Dealer Auction Software
AuctionSimplified.com Sell wholesale cars with higher profits. Avoid Auction fees and transportation costs by holding your own private dealer auction. Free to Sellers
Broadcast Appraisal All the features of a Silent Auction bid sale just faster. Your select buyers get notified on their smartphone, bid and buy. Free to sellers with tiny buyers fees.
Retail Car Sales Software
UsedCarAd.com Advertising your cars on UsedCarAD.com maybe the fastest and easiest way to sell used cars online!
SalesDesking.com Sales and payment menu’s make it easier for your customers to make the right choice. Not just the right payment but you as the right dealership to do business with.
Clients and viewers
Mostly new car franchise dealers and independent used car lots.